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主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院武汉病毒研究所;中国微生物学会

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中国病毒学 2014年第02期杂志 文档列表

Pithovirus: a new giant DNA virus found from more than30,000-year-old sample第71-73页
关键词: 病毒学;  临床;  诊断;  实验;  
Functional interplay among the flavivirus NS3 protease, helicase,and cofactors第74-85页
关键词: 正链rna病毒;  蛋白酶;  解旋酶;  相互作用;  因子;  非结构蛋白;  蛋白复合物;  末端区域;  
The VP2 protein of grass carp reovirus (GCRV) expressed in a baculovirus exhibits RNA polymerase activity第86-93页
关键词: rna依赖性rna聚合酶;  草鱼呼肠孤病毒;  杆状病毒系统;  vp2蛋白;  活性表达;  rna聚合酶活性;  sf9细胞;  展品;  
Characterization of a full-length infectious clone of bovine foamy virus 3026第94-102页
关键词: 感染性克隆;  牛泡沫病毒;  bfv3026;  外周血单核细胞;  表征;  细胞病变效应;  生物学特性;  胸腺细胞;  
Single amino acid substitution of VP1 N17D or VP2 H145Y confers acid-resistant phenotype of type Asia1 foot-and-mouth disease virus第103-111页
关键词: 口蹄疫病毒;  氨基酸置换;  vp2;  vp1;  抗性;  表型;  类型;  fmdv;  
High-throughput sequencing exclusively identified a novel Torque teno virus genotype in serum of a patient with fatal fever第112-118页
关键词: 病毒感染;  血清样品;  基因型;  高通量;  测序;  全基因组序列;  发烧病;  转矩;  
Ultrastructural characterization of avian influenza A (H7N9) virus infecting humans in China第119-122页
关键词: 人类感染;  禽流感;  超微结构特征;  病毒;  中国;  类风湿性关节炎;  细胞;  流行性感冒;  
A case-control study of risk factors for severe hand-foot-mouth disease in Yuxi, China, 2010-2012第123-125页
关键词: 危险因素;  玉溪市;  病例;  中国;  儿童医院;  药物治疗;  呼吸道感染;  风险因素;  
The limited number of available nucleotide and protein sequence data from the recent H7N9 cases in China impeded investigation and characterization of the outbreak第126-127页
关键词: 蛋白质序列;  序列数据;  核苷酸;  中国;  病例;  鉴定;  爆发;  上市;  
Influence of HLA gene polymorphisms on susceptibility and outcome post infection with the SARS-CoV virus第128-130页
关键词: sars冠状病毒;  基因多态性;  hla;  感染;  呼吸系统综合症;  敏感性;  人类白细胞抗原;  
A SYBR-Green Ⅰ quantitative Real-time Reverse Transcription-PCR assay for rabies viruses with different virulence第131-132页
关键词: 狂犬病病毒;  逆转录pcr;  实时定量;  sybr;  pcr检测;  核蛋白基因;  毒力;  
3′-UTR sequence of Macrobrachium rosenbergii extra small virus (XSV) is important for viral RNA packaging第133-135页
关键词: rna病毒;  病毒颗粒;  罗氏沼虾;  包装;  病毒基因组;  序列;  核衣壳蛋白;  感染性;  
Anti-porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) antibody placental barrier leakage from sow to fetus: impact on the diagnosis of intra-uterine PCV2 infection第136-138页
关键词: 猪圆环病毒2型;  pcv2;  流产胎儿;  胎盘屏障;  母猪;  感染;  子宫;  诊断;  
Guidelines for Authors第I0001-I0001页
关键词: 作者;  指南;  研究论文;  类型;  标题;